My name is Erica Johnson I am a High School senior. My school offers a program called W.I.S.E. in which you can take a half a year of regular English than instead of continuing with that go off and pick a topic in which you are interested in and find it worth persuing further interest. I want to become an Architect. I honestly didn't know much about the requirements are and what it takes to be one so this is my research on how to get the best options for becoming an Architect in this modern job world.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Journal 81 (April 30th)
So today is spring break still I slepted over my friends last night and was there all day so I didn't get much done.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Journal 80 (April 29th)
I went to the beach with Torie H. my friend from my school. It was a little cold so there wasn’t and swimming we walked around a lot. I found the name of an Architect down there I’m going to try to email him about possibly answering some of my questions about his job. Apparently Bon Jovi owns a house down at LBI. My friends was joking with me and made me a "sand house" for me to live in because I want to be an Architect. I did noticed that there was a lot of Victorian themed Architecture down there and that there were a lot of rounded roofs which I wasn’t really expecting. The Architects name if found was Michael Ryan Architects. I just googled him and found an Email so hopefully he’ll answer me back J
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Journal 77 (April 26th)
I was on the River Line today and I took it from Trenton all the way to Camden. I was thinking a lot how there is so much empty space and homes there are all throughout the state, the country, the world, which doesn't even do anything but sit there and take up space, rust, and deteriorate. This makes me sad to think they we cut down the trees and vegetations for nothing built it for nothing. I don't like to see structures simply wasted when I know there is homeless people and people who would like and need better living conditions when they're are all sorts of stuctures which can be improved for use.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Journal 76 (April 25th)
Still on break mode haven't really done anything related to the projectly I'm not really trying to hard still its my break been thinking a lot though about what I want to do with my degree in Architecture once I get it. I hope to work in New York City, Orlando, or Los Angeles possibly doing Restoration and Residential work. I enjoy working with homes but who know where my life is going to take me I'm only 18 right now.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Journal 74 (April 23th)
So Chelsea’s friend Lauren came home for Easter this weekend. She’s Jewish so when my Mom was getting Chelsea my mom didn’t want to leave her all alone at college because almost everyone came home so Lauren came too. Her Mom is an Architect she strongly recommended that I email her and talk to her. When I get back I’m going to email her on our first sign out day I think.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Journal 73 (April 22nd)
Today is Good Friday I work tonight so not really looking forward to that. It’s getting kind of boring now but I should be working a lot soon because mother’s day is coming soon so that’ll be good for Hallmark. I'm going to take it very slow this week and I'm not going to stress about my project too much. I'm dealing with NJIT information lately so that's my big thing next.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Journal 72 (April 21th)
Today is the last day before we go on spring break I’m very excited for that. I honestly don’t believe I’ll get much done over the next week concerning my project. I hope to go to the beach though next Friday and look at the Architecture of the building there. I don’t really expect to get too much out of it though it should be pretty fun though. My friends and I love going to LBI but I think that this will be a lot calmer that I’m generally used to. School was very calm we talked in Sardo’s about what’s going to come next for us. We’re going to be allowed to sign out early another day of the week that should be awesome. I heard though that the history WISE class is a lot more relaxed they just sign out whenever and don’t have to have mentor meetings and their journals aren’t checked I’m a little jealous.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Journal 71 (April 20th)
Well were back from senior trip today. All the seniors have come in late. I’m feeling very inspired see while we were there I took all these pictures of cool buildings and designing quotes from Walt Disney. They’re very cool. I plan to add them to my PowerPoint presentation. The most amazing part I thought about Walt Disney (and this does relate to my project kind of) was that the fire work show WISHES in Magic Kingdom. During that show they turned a building into a projector and made images appear on the castle so clearing. So in a matter of seconds the castle could change its appearance. It was fascinating. The Architecture and design of the hotels even. The themes and concepts behind the hotel, shops, building, and restaurants is simply something to marvel at. I understand that they are creating a new “Fantasyland” in 2012 I think that I really would like to see that. The construction was going on while we were there. Very cool I really enjoyed the trip I had a lot of fun.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Journal 66 (April 15th)
Tom. is Senior Trip we spend 3 days in Disney and then one day in Universal Studios I'm very excited. There is a lot that I still need to accomplish though with packing and home life stuff. I going to try to see if Mr. Johnson can actually have a mentor meeting 7th period today so I'm able to sign out so that will be a big help we have to be back at the school at 5 AM tom. Morning to fly out so that will be fun and be back tonight at 5:30 for luggage check. I have to get some more things done before I go so today I'll probably sign out to complete that. I hope that I'll be able to.
Journal 65 (April 14th)
Thursday yay! I wasn't able to work on my project today I had an L.I.F.E. presentation on Homophobia reduction in my school. L.I.F.E. is Lifetime Information For Everyone. We're a group of 33 seniors tried in different situations teens face in high school and we try to show them better ways to deal with them. It was a very uncomfortable skit to do but we all got through it and pushed through to get our message across that this issue needs to dealt with. It's not right to teach some different just because of their sexual orientation. I feel sad because that was the last L.I.F.E. presentation that we are going to do. But we still have to make a prom video explaining to the school the negative effects doing drugs and drinking on prom can have on your life. I have my senior trip soon so I'm probably not going to get anything done on this project for the rest of this week and into next week a little bit.
Journal 64 (April 13th)
So today I was allowed to go and have a mentor meeting with Mr. Johnson during my WISE period but unfortunately Mr. Johnson and I got side tracked and we were just talking the whole time about this and that so I wasn't really about to get a lot done. I really enjoy hanging with Mr. Johnson. I'm going to Disney on Sat. I'm going to get him a present. I really would like to get more done on my project once I get back from senior trip once I complete that whole trip I want to complete a lot more for this. I have been slacking a lot lately. Senior-itous I guess. I know there is so much I can do and have the ability to achieve but I'm just not very motivated right now.
Journal 63 (April 12th)
Today was a signout day I wasn't able to sign out though because today because I had to teach a lesson on Architecture to underclassmen it went so well. I was only supposed to teach my lesson to 8th period my but my mentor said I did so well that I should teach it again to his 9th period class who is also studying the same thing I was so happy I ran to my WISE teacher Mrs Stardo and told her that I wouldn't be signing out and was on my way back to the class. I did so much better the second time around I took questions and talked with the kids it was so much fun I really enjoyed being about to do that. Senora Lopez is the head of my student teaching program and she came in and watched me present 8th period as well. I talked to her after and she said she really enjoyed my lesson and enjoyed the presentation on Architecture.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Journal 62 (April 11th)
Today was a share day in Life we sat and listened to everyone discuss their projects to I was able to talk a little bit about my project I was recently contacted by a Phildelphia University head of Architecture student. I was hope that he will answer some of my question he was very helpful and was a great asset. He emailed me saying if I have any questions about anything I should contact him. I'm not 100 percent sure how he came into contacted. I found out that alot of people are working reallly well on their projects are doing so well.
Journal 61 (April 10th)
So today I worked but I did do my powerpoint it's very simple I'm going to upload it to my blog through Google Documents. My Western Civ. teacher Mr Campbell taught me to do it. I'm not super proud of it but it is pretty cool I did it on my own and created notes. Mr Johnson told me not to make it more that 20 words a slide because the group I'm teaching generally tends to loose focus.
PowerPoint -
Architecture Notes -
PowerPoint -
Architecture Notes -
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Journal 60 (April 9th)
Today I was out working a weddin with my mom at Saint Paul's Church. My mom makes flower stuff so I have to help her all day so I wasn't able to get much done with my project. I'm supposed to teach a class on Architecture on Tuesday to a group of underclassmen and be observed by my teacher for it. So hopefully I'll do well with that. I had completely forgot that I needed to do that for my school. Luckly Mr Johnson reminded me recently.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Journal 59 (April 8th)
Today was a sign out day I was able to go to my local Library and look at some books on architecture because I was thinking I'm so impressed with the Architecture Library which was located inside the Architecture building in NJIT's campus that I wanted to look up some more things on Architecture. I got Icons of Architecture: the 20th century By Sabine Thiel-Silingand Wolfgang Bachmann.
"This international survey of key architectural monuments brings together 37 contributors' brief essays on more than 70 houses, apartment buildings, office buildings, clubs, factories, museums, concert halls, and other building types." That is a brief summary of the book I found on the library’s site.
Journal 58 (April 7th)
I had a mentor meeting today with Mr Johnson and I talked to him about how I've been feeling with everything thats going on with my project I really like have these mentor meetings he always gives me amazing ideas and calms me down with the stress that I feel sometimes with getting this project done. He gave me this amazing site which I mentioned before it's call GEM SET. I signed up for it 5th period today so they're going to mail me a specfic packet and everything to let me know what going on. The program is decribed in the website here
Students send in career questions and comments to Guidelines for discussion include classroom issues, career decisions, peer-pressure, challenges and opportunities. Scholarships, internships, prizes and field trips are also posted on the Digest.
All questions are automatically posted on the GEM-SET Digest for ALL the participants to read and respond. Mentors and students can respond by hitting the message REPLY button or by sending your message to
When someone responds to a question, the reply is posted on the Daily Digest with a hot link for you to click on to read the answers. Both mentors and students are invited to make comments. Usually responses are made within 10 days of the initial posting.
Students send in career questions and comments to Guidelines for discussion include classroom issues, career decisions, peer-pressure, challenges and opportunities. Scholarships, internships, prizes and field trips are also posted on the Digest.
All questions are automatically posted on the GEM-SET Digest for ALL the participants to read and respond. Mentors and students can respond by hitting the message REPLY button or by sending your message to
When someone responds to a question, the reply is posted on the Daily Digest with a hot link for you to click on to read the answers. Both mentors and students are invited to make comments. Usually responses are made within 10 days of the initial posting.
Journal 57 (April 6th)
I really enjoyed the College of New Jersey Visit. I saw the Engineering Building which was very cool. I would really like to go there more it's a great campus. I am president of my school's chapter of TSA and I we won two 2nd place awards this year and considering that it's only about our second year going that's pretty good. I wasn't able to see all the different architecture projects but I was able to get some awesome pictures I hope to use them in my PowerPoint.
Today I was not in School I was on a Technology Student Association trip to The College of New Jersey I competed in the Structure Design Competition. My team consisted of myself and another student from my school. I had to make a standing structure which could with stand weight my structure withheld about 44 kg which was awesome but team that won made a structure which was double that so I'm a little let down but it was my first time competing so it’s not too bad.
Journal 56 (April 5th)
Today was a sign out day today I went home and worked on my questions I have them all written down in my English book well my every subject book. I got a special flash key now which is special just for this project. I'm going to type them up soon so my questions and PowerPoint will all be together for easy access for me.
My mentor Mr. Johnson recently told me about this site which people get touch with people who are also engineers and it helps Women engineers with improving their contact list throughout the field. I'm hoping to get alot of my questions answered through this site. I hope to maybe even make some contacts in the field. I also stopped at the bank which really doesn't have much to do with my project but it was on the way home. I would like to possibly find an Architecture Library I think that would be amazing. Well hopefully I'll be able to looks into that soon. Their is probably one in Philly which I can use.
My mentor Mr. Johnson recently told me about this site which people get touch with people who are also engineers and it helps Women engineers with improving their contact list throughout the field. I'm hoping to get alot of my questions answered through this site. I hope to maybe even make some contacts in the field. I also stopped at the bank which really doesn't have much to do with my project but it was on the way home. I would like to possibly find an Architecture Library I think that would be amazing. Well hopefully I'll be able to looks into that soon. Their is probably one in Philly which I can use.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Journal 55 (April 4th)
So today we were in the computer lab in 801 which is across campus I hate going over there. Sardo told us today that we are going to be the last WISE ENGLISH class for this year that due to low enrolling number for the 2011-2012 school year the program will be discontinued temporally or possibly completely get rid of it that makes sad this is a great program for kids who don’t generally work well with regular English and don't learn well all cooped up in a classroom. So it's really a shame that there won't be one next year.
I have work after school today so that is something that I'm not really looking forward to. I been working on my annotative bibliography. That is coming along fine so their isn't much to report their. In my AutoCAD class though I'm going to be teaching a class on stuctures which hopefully will go good. Tom. is a sign out day so hopefully that will be okay I need to sort through some of my powerpoint.
I have work after school today so that is something that I'm not really looking forward to. I been working on my annotative bibliography. That is coming along fine so their isn't much to report their. In my AutoCAD class though I'm going to be teaching a class on stuctures which hopefully will go good. Tom. is a sign out day so hopefully that will be okay I need to sort through some of my powerpoint.
Journal 54 (April 3rd)
SUNDAY So I worked at Hallmark all day today so I really wasn't able to get much done in terms of my project I need to figure out when I'll be able to have my mentor meeting with Johnson this week because I have a trip on Wednesday and I have to use the study hall I have for most of the week for making up previously missed work for my Pre-Calculus and Physics class so I just really need to make sure I meet with him this week.
Journal 53 (April 2nd)
Yesterday was Friday which was a sign out day. My WISE teacher Mrs Stardo said that I need to make my journals a lot longer. So I think I'm going to go through some of my pervious journals and make them more detailed about everything I've been doing. I been working with my dad a lot to get me enrolled in NJIT. I'm been trying to schedule a lot of my life because I've been really busy lately and feel as though I'm falling behind in my project I would really like to get this all sorted out and catch up. I'm kind of a procrastinator to I really need to kick myself and get into gear. I got a flash key now so I'm hopefully going to start on my power point soon.
Journal 52 (April 1st)
Oh my gosh I visited NJIT yesterday it was awesome the school was very cool. They had an entire building developed Architecture (shown below) inside the building is at The Center for Building Knowledge which is a research and training institute affiliated with the College of Architecture and Design at NJIT. I really liked the school. The Studio space is much better than Philadelphia University. The school is on "University Row" in Newark which is a very safe area. Often in bigger city you'll find the colleges all in one area. The New Jersey School of Architecture happens to be one of the first architecture programs in the nation to establish fully digital design studios with three-dimensional modeling and color pre-visualization. That is I'm guessing where they computer from DELL that I have to buy comes into play. In this building they allow self guided tours of every floor. The students are always in and out of that building. You get your own work studio area and you generally work in that area for all four years/five years.
The architecture majors are always there during my self guided tour I saw a boy sleeping in the chair in front of his computer. I also really liked that inside that building they have their own library with architecture and design books. The building was very cool. The school has a lot of different aspects which are not like most schools I really like it.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Journal 51 (March 31st)
So today is my visit to NJIT to look at their Architecture buildings and program.
I'm really excited because it's most likely were I am going to end up going to when I get there I'm going to be looking at everything try to see everything and just looking around
The only problem I have with that school is that they require you to purchase your own 2,000 dollar computer which I'm not allowed to keep in my dorm but must keep it across campus in an imaging lab.
The location of the school is great because it's 30 minutes from New York City which is where I want to base myself out of possibly.
So we'll see how everything goes. I'm going to keep a log of everything I'm going to see and experience.
I'm really excited because it's most likely were I am going to end up going to when I get there I'm going to be looking at everything try to see everything and just looking around
The only problem I have with that school is that they require you to purchase your own 2,000 dollar computer which I'm not allowed to keep in my dorm but must keep it across campus in an imaging lab.
The location of the school is great because it's 30 minutes from New York City which is where I want to base myself out of possibly.
So we'll see how everything goes. I'm going to keep a log of everything I'm going to see and experience.
Journal 50 (March 30th)
So this is my 50th journal entry yay!
I was in REBEL all day today because it was KICK BUTTS DAY 2011
It’s an anti-smoking program which we try to reach the underclassmen and prevent the tobacco companies from warping their minds to think smoking is okay.
I was doing the ball toss
REBEL is the school's anti-tobacco club which I am the president of so I was out of periods 4 5 6 7 8 and 9
I enjoyed being outside all day and we had a really great turn out unfortunately I was unable to get stuff done for my project.
I was in REBEL all day today because it was KICK BUTTS DAY 2011
It’s an anti-smoking program which we try to reach the underclassmen and prevent the tobacco companies from warping their minds to think smoking is okay.
I was doing the ball toss
REBEL is the school's anti-tobacco club which I am the president of so I was out of periods 4 5 6 7 8 and 9
I enjoyed being outside all day and we had a really great turn out unfortunately I was unable to get stuff done for my project.
Journal 49 (March 29th)
So today was just tuesday which is a sign out day so were going all going to sign out which should be good. I'm going to continue on my log of everything on philadephia university.
I am very excited because I got the email for a very important lady from an architecture firm that my sister knows. She apparently knows her daughter and in conversation she was able to insert that my WISE project and now I have this email so hopefully this women with respond and allow me to answer some questions.
I am very excited because I got the email for a very important lady from an architecture firm that my sister knows. She apparently knows her daughter and in conversation she was able to insert that my WISE project and now I have this email so hopefully this women with respond and allow me to answer some questions.
Journal 48 (March 28th)
YAY today was my shadow a student at Philadelphia University I putting all of me documentation from that day into a detailed log so I can use it for my presentation. I shadowed a 3rd year Architecture major with a minor in Construction management. It was a fantastic day see was so sweet and helped me out a lot I took all my different questions with me and through them in here in there during the conversation. It was a great program I'm really happy that I got to do it even if I don't go there. I met this girl and she was Majoring in Architecture but minor in Interior Design that would be so amazing to do. So now I think I would like to do that.
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