My name is Erica Johnson I am a High School senior. My school offers a program called W.I.S.E. in which you can take a half a year of regular English than instead of continuing with that go off and pick a topic in which you are interested in and find it worth persuing further interest. I want to become an Architect. I honestly didn't know much about the requirements are and what it takes to be one so this is my research on how to get the best options for becoming an Architect in this modern job world.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal 7 (Feb 15th)

So we've started watching a movie called Julie and Julia it’s about a girls one year journey cooking through the famous chef Julia Child's Book Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The movie is based on a book that was written. The movie stars  Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. The two live in different time periods and you watch them both progress and move along through out there journeys. Its cute I like this movie alot its really cool.

Oh and Ms Welckers class joined us so thats cool more people my best friend Steph is in that class so she is in my class now :)

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