My name is Erica Johnson I am a High School senior. My school offers a program called W.I.S.E. in which you can take a half a year of regular English than instead of continuing with that go off and pick a topic in which you are interested in and find it worth persuing further interest. I want to become an Architect. I honestly didn't know much about the requirements are and what it takes to be one so this is my research on how to get the best options for becoming an Architect in this modern job world.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Journal 83 (May 2nd)

So today in class we began to put thought into our presentations. I picked my date for May 28th first period so I can have my sister come I really want her there. I told her to save the date and she said okay. I have a lot of more work which I need to do. I need to do my annotated bibliography. I have links and such but I feel I need more and to get them all organized. I want to create a tri-fold for my project as well which includes photos and such and I need to still complete my PowerPoint and hand outs. We got a student from last years to look off of so that will be very helpful. Mrs. Stardo has a lot of faith in us and what our projects can be I hope I won’t let her down. I think though I didn’t get everything I wanted done in this project done I did learn a lot about me and some of the next steps I have to take to succeed in this career field.

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