My name is Erica Johnson I am a High School senior. My school offers a program called W.I.S.E. in which you can take a half a year of regular English than instead of continuing with that go off and pick a topic in which you are interested in and find it worth persuing further interest. I want to become an Architect. I honestly didn't know much about the requirements are and what it takes to be one so this is my research on how to get the best options for becoming an Architect in this modern job world.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journal 98 (May 17th)

today was a sign out day. I have been constantly working on this project all the time. I been no stop working on this project it is due on the 19th so I'm not very happy what I understand that they need everything but i was expecting another week and not I dont have another week which makes me sad. I have been working 4 periods a day and i have been working non stop at home i have been emailing alot of people hoping to some answers from people so i can through them into the project but only a few people have contacted me back. i think i have alot of infromation which i can put into my power point
and much more so I'm not as worried as I previously was

Monday, May 16, 2011

Journal 97 (May 16th)

Today was a sign day i was able to get out and get out and work on my project at home I'm been trying to get information on types of architectue books and such I have been able to get a hold of some architects and architecture students to put into my powerpoint. I am better figuring out how to movitate myself to get different things done. I realized that i need to spark insperation to myself and get myself going. I was talking to Sardo and Chelsea might be judging my section of the project shes is going to be there anyway because she is my family and i want her there but mostly i dont want joe to judge me he's friends with chelsea and he is always over and he creeps

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Journal 96 (may 15th)

I worked all day at hallmark today. After work though I went to film LIFE video. Were doing a video which trys to help teens make the right the decisions on prom night. We went to one of the students homes to film and oh my lord her house was amazing she had a theater it made me want one so bad. Think the next home I try to design will have one it in I have been toying with the idea of having a tri-fold in my presentation with all different types drawing that i have done I added some picture from CAD what i've done over my four years in high school. I been trying to think of what  I want to put in my project. I think I'll make a spider web list and include my thinking process in the tri-fold

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Journal 95 (May 14th)

I was able to get a contact list together of all the different people I want to talk to on my architecture website I think that some of them will reply I wish i could talk to some international peolpe that would be so cool to get insite from another country and place would awesome. I want to be able to say i talked to some international architects in my presentation. I have to go do my placement test next saturday. I really dont want to go I'm in such a bum mode that i think I'll do horribly. I want my try to study. I think once I'm done presenting on the 26th. I'm going to go 9th period I'm excited to present and EXTREMELY NERVOUS

Friday, May 13, 2011

Journal 94 (may 13th)

I didn't go to school today I wasn't feeling really well so there wasn't much I did today beside mope around my house. I hope to be able to jump start myself when I get back I was looking at and they have one on how to be an architect I think I'm going to try to use it as a guide line for my project. Hopefully that will allow me to have some idea of what i need my powerpoint to be. I got my laptop so again I'm dealing with my powerpoint I still havent found my flash key i think that I can grab some of my information and documents that i need to replace them. I hope that I'll be able find it

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Journal 93 (May 12th)

I found out that i lost my flash key with everything on it I'm really upset I'm going to go look bye.  I'm kind of in panic mode right now. It was orange with a monkey on it I'm going to check i have this odd feeling i left in the media center on wednesday because i didnt sign out cuz i had to stay and now its gone so I feel like i felt it and someone grabbed it. That is not good

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Journal 92 (May 11th)

Today i went to work so there wasn't much i could do for my project I had a silc meeting after school so I didn't sign out today. I went to the library and worked on typing up more questions I'm trying to send out a couple more emails before i have to present. I changed my date to be on the May 26th because Johnson wasn't able to get to it on the 27th 1st period. I was hoping on getting it done and over with but it's okay but i know I'm going to stress about it all day. I'm excited to get it out the way.  I got my laptop so now I'm going to be working alot on it doing the powerpoint.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Journal 91 (May 10th)

So today was a sign out day I went home to check my email to see if anyone emailed me back but no one did. :( I dont think Ms Simon will get back to me on time she's probably too busy. That makes me sad because her insite would have been great looks like its time for plan B which is an awesome website i got calledARCHITIZER

"Architizer is a new way for architects to interact, show their work, and find clients. It is an open community created by architects for architects. One architectural project has dozens of contributors, from the intern who made the conceptual models to the construction administrator. A project on Architizer links all members of the architectural community." that is the decription from their website

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Journal 88 (May 7th)

Chelsea came home today I talked to her and she said she talked to Ms Simon and that she is very busy and she is not blowing me she is simply SUPER BUSY. which is understandable after i've seen what her job intails she is like the architectural super women I really would love for her to write me back. I worked a 10am  to 9pm shift at hallmark today so i didint get too much done. I met alot of nice people though and i think i found someone i want to contact :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Journal 87 (May 6th)

So today I left school and went straight to work I had to deal with the cards and the lazer engraver. My sister comes home this weekend so were going to be moving her out I hope to be able to talk to her about lauren's mom responding to me I really would like get her insite. I need to begin working on my powerpoint again. My dad and I are going to order me a laptop soon so hopefully i'll be able to get it and use it in this project. Its and Asus i'm very excited it can run AutoDesk on it Mr Johnson is going to send me a membership to it I'm very excited it has a dual processor so that it will run extra fast. I hope to show some designs in the powerpoint.

Journal 86 (May 5th)

So today we were in the classroom watching presentations I'm starting to get nervous I picked my date for May 28th it's going to be very nerve racking I hate public speaking I need more information more very thing right now I need to do that annotated bibliography thingy. I honestly have no idea what that even is. Oh uh I think its crunch time. Time to buckle down and get work done.

Journal 85 (May 4th)

Today was a day of kind of relaxed research I was planning to sign out but my friends needed some girl talk after school so I couldn't leave. So i decided to go to the media center and do some here and there research. I decided to look up the contact which my sister was telling me to email Randy Simons. This is someone my sister met in college's mother. I was kind of blowing it off just say sure I'll email her its okay I got it and never did. Recently i met her daughter Lauren and she was a very cool very nice girl so I said I'll email her mom and just look her up. OH MY LORD this woman is amazing. I found her website through the email address my sister gave me and dear lord this is probably the most amazing contact I could have ever looked for.

She has worked with MTV, Pepsi, Bank of America and so many more impressive people I can't wait to get some of her answers back she's really really really important.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Journal 84 (May 3rd)

So today I sent out some more emails for contact information to an architect in LBI Michael Ryan. I goggled him and was able to found an email I sent him several questions...

What types of Architecture are you involved with? Which type do you enjoy doing the most?      
What would consider being the most important step you took in becoming an Architect?
What was the Licensing process like for you?
What college program did you go to? What would you say was your favorite part your college experience and your least enjoyable part?
Was there anyone who you would say had a large effect on you and on the journey you took to be where you are today?
If you could go back and change something about your experiences and your career what would that be?
How do you get work? Do people come to you and ask for designs or do you submit them to people or companies?
What would you say is the most important part of being an Architect? What would be the most gratifying?
I’ve heard that Architecture is a very difficult and hard study to major in, did you find that you were stressed and working a lot of your college experience?
What would you say is the key to being successful in this field?
What project are you most proud of? What makes this one stand out for you?
How are you picked the location of your office?
It’s oblivious you have been very successful in your career is there any advice you could give me?
 They were all the questions and he replied very quickly which was awesome Ill definitely be able to use him in my PowerPoint which were talking about in class now

Monday, May 2, 2011

Journal 83 (May 2nd)

So today in class we began to put thought into our presentations. I picked my date for May 28th first period so I can have my sister come I really want her there. I told her to save the date and she said okay. I have a lot of more work which I need to do. I need to do my annotated bibliography. I have links and such but I feel I need more and to get them all organized. I want to create a tri-fold for my project as well which includes photos and such and I need to still complete my PowerPoint and hand outs. We got a student from last years to look off of so that will be very helpful. Mrs. Stardo has a lot of faith in us and what our projects can be I hope I won’t let her down. I think though I didn’t get everything I wanted done in this project done I did learn a lot about me and some of the next steps I have to take to succeed in this career field.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journal 82 (May 1st)

Today I worked outside all day after I got home from work. I was thinking while I was mowing the lawn that I should look at the houses in my community and possibly try to find the Architect which built them. I think I’m going to have to do a little detective work but I should be able to figure it out. I have some floor plans from my house to I think there should be something one there. I know the contractor who built the houses he lives down the street to maybe he can help me with my research if I hit a dead end you know.