My name is Erica Johnson I am a High School senior. My school offers a program called W.I.S.E. in which you can take a half a year of regular English than instead of continuing with that go off and pick a topic in which you are interested in and find it worth persuing further interest. I want to become an Architect. I honestly didn't know much about the requirements are and what it takes to be one so this is my research on how to get the best options for becoming an Architect in this modern job world.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Journal 36 (March 16th)

So I decided I'm going to NJIT for Architecture. I'm very excited about it. In my learning about dorming and different things I was able to find out that

In some colleges the have special dorming floors for architecture majors

They require you to have special computers with all these different types of programs that you have to put on once you get there

There is also and image studio across campus from my most likely dorm which is were I have to keep my special bought two-thousand dollar computer. Yes you can hear the anger in my voice just reading this I mean who does that? Aren't they supposed to provide me with a computer. I can't believe it  AND I can't even keep it in my room what is that?? Ah it makes me so mad hopefully my parents will pay for  that but this definitely wasn't something I wanted to add to my list of purchases.

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